Robert Torrance

Mechanical Engineer

Robert, from Mansfield, joined Forterra when he saw the role of Mechanical Engineer advertised on the CTP website while still in
the Army over a year ago. He decided to apply and following a two week trial he was brought on board.

“I’d spent half my life in the Army,” said former Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (REME) Robert, 44, “and served around the world, from Afghanistan to Bosnia to Northern Ireland to Kuwait, and although I’m based in one location now I’m still working in a constantly challenging environment and
having to use a lot of the same skills.”

“Just as it was as in the Forces, when you’re faced with a breakdown you have to think on your feet and come up with a solution that will get vital machinery up and running swiftly and safely.

A lot of people are depending on your expertise and ability to make quick decisions.”

“Forterra have been great, as they saw that I was highly motivated and experienced, and recognised that the skills I’d learned as a REME were transferable to their concrete facility in Somercotes. I’m really enjoying working here, and am learning new skills
every day.”

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