
Blocks, like bricks, are an inherently sustainable building material and are stocked in a large network of builders' merchants across the UK, ensuring easy availability.

They are durable, offer high thermal mass, excellent air permeability, high levels of sound insulation and can help meet all current Building Regulations, including Part L, as well as the Code for Sustainable Homes.

Forterra manufactures lightweight and dense aggregate blocks as well as the Thermalite range of aircrete blocks. They are all available in a variety of densities, strengths, sizes and configurations and can be used in internal and external walls, foundations and beam and block floors.

All Forterra blocks are manufactured in accordance with EN ISO 9001 and have BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing of Materials certification.

For technical advice please
contact us on 0330 123 1018

Thermalite Aircrete Turbo Block
Fenlite Background Aggregate Block

Thermalite aircrete blocks

Conbloc aggregate blocks

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