Brick Manufacturers

As one of the largest brick manufacturers in the UK, Forterra is helping to keep Britain building. Bricks are an inherently sustainable building material. They are durable, require little or no maintenance and can be recycled at the end of their use. They also contribute to thermal mass, resulting in buildings which need less energy for heating and cooling.

Our Range of Bricks

Forterra offers a wide range of house bricks and high-quality clay facing bricks – all with BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing of Materials certification. This includes the Butterley range of wirecut extruded bricks; the Ecostock range of stock pressed and thrown bricks; the original Fletton London brick.

Special Shaped Bricks

Our bricks are available in a wide range of colours and textures, providing the perfect choice for classic to contemporary buildings.

To complement our facing brick range, we also manufacture special shaped bricks, modular bricks and blocks, blended bricks and restoration bricks.

Forterra brick range

0330 123 1017
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