225mm Internal Diameter
Concrete Flue Liners

Typical Constructions

Note: Fireproof mortar (list nos. RF28 and 597) must be used for jointing flue liners. It is also necessary to fill the void between the outside of the flue lining and the surrounding masonry with insulating backfill (list no 599).

List no 114
Contemporary Cannon Head Pot
300, 450 & 600mm high

List no 826 MT06
T/guard birdguard 185mm-250mm

List 826 Birdguard Detail

List no RM9
650 x 650mm capping block,
325mm diameter hole

List no RM91
22.5° 225mm internal diameter circular rebated flue lining bend

List no RM7
225mm internal diameter circular rebated flue lining (150mm high)

List no RM6
225mm internal diameter circular rebated flue lining (225mm high)

List no RM11
800mm wide fyrelintel 800mm(w) x 222mm(h) x 405mm(d)

List no 739
690mm wide fyrelintel 690mm(w) x 215mm(h) x 405mm(d)

List no 670C
400mm & 450mm milner
scored fireback. Height 550mm
Width (w) 375mm (for 400mm)
Width (w) 425mm (for 450mm)

Contact our estimating department
Email: redbanktechnical@forterra.co.uk
Tel: 01530 270333

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